Friday, January 28, 2011


Exploring my topic, I have found that the issue of social networks is very relevant in our society right now. In the article In a Wikileaks Era, Balancing Public and Private, people around the globe are wondering if the rise of social networks will benefit our society. After the release of Government confidential documents through Wikileaks, we are now realizing how blogging can completely change and abolish our thought of "privacy". What is now being proposed by blogging and internet supporters, is the decrease of privacy will help the society become more transparent.
Although transparency is important in society, it has also been braught to global leaders attention that this "publicity" may be going to far. With Wikileaks's scandal in the past, we now need to learn from it. With so many sources available online it is hard to distinguish what is correct. Therefore, regulations need to be proposed on what is released and what is "kept off the record". Although this is true, it is hard to decide where the line must be drawn. Releasing confidential documents may be unloyal to our country, at what point would the government be taking our freedom of speech away by making regulations on what we can publish online?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Issue: Social Networks

Today, in our society, social networks are being used more and more. College students find themselves on Facebook when they should be listening in lecture, celebrities use Twitter to update their fans, and Myspace is still used to promote bands. Although these networks are a huge part of our life, the question if they are "good" for our society should be asked. Are we spending too much time online "connecting" and not stopping to talk to the person next to us?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A little background check.

Hey, my name is Kayla Kohler.
I am a freshman at Northwest Missouri State. I am from Omaha Nebraska, if you know Omaha, I am from Papillion. My family is somewhat large. I have 2 parents that have been married for 28 years, and 3 sisters. My parents raised us in a christian environment, and from that I have developed a strong relationship with Christ. In high school and now college, being involved in Christian organizations and becoming close with Christ has been very important to me. A favorite moment in high school from that involvement was going on tour with a Black Gospel Choir. :) I am now also a Tri Sigma. These things have shaped who I am and my beliefs, so yeah. :)